ESC - Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà

The European Solidarity Corps is the new initiative of the European Union which offers young people aged 18 to 30 job opportunities or voluntary work for up to twelve months on the territory of the Member States of the European Union, as part of projects to help communities or populations in Europe.
The European Solidarity Corps offers the possibility for volunteers to operate in the following areas:
- Inclusion
- Reception and integration of refugees and migrants
- Citizenship and democratic participation
- Disaster prevention and management
- Protection of the environment and nature
- Health and wellness
- Education and training
- Employment and entrepreneurship
- Creativity and culture
- Sport
All young people who become part of the European Solidarity Corps accept and share their mission and principles.
Young people aged 18 to 30 and resident in Italy.
Between 2 and 12 months.
In all the countries of the European Union.
In general, a basis of English (or the language of the host country) can be useful.
Some projects may require special skills.
Thanks to the European Union's funding, the following expenses are covered:
- room and board
- a monthly "pocket money"
- enrollment in the EVS collective insurance plan
- part of the travel expenses a/r
- Pre-departure training (in Italy), on-arrival training and intermediate assessment to be carried out in the host country
- language course (concerning the host country)
To participate or get an idea of existing projects, you must register on the portal of the European Solidarity Corps:
After completing a simple registration procedure, as a participant in the European Solidarity Corps, you can be selected and invited to join a wide range of projects, connected for example to the prevention of natural disasters or reconstruction following a disaster, assistance in centers for asylum seekers or social problems of various kinds in the communities.
In general we suggest you prepare a CV and a motivation letter (both in English or any other language) that may be requested at a later stage of the selection and be ready to set an interview in the language, also via Skype.