Open space for sharing your experience with other volunteers who have joined our programmes.
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Marta Forcada Trento Inco Volunteer
Marta shared how her experience has gone so far, dealing with a new reality and the country's retrictions due to COVID19.
The uncertainty of being a volunteer abroad
Leah Maisenbacher Trento Inco Volunteer
Leah a german volunteer, had a few complications at the beginning of her volunteering experience in Bolzano; but soon found out that she would make the most out of her 5 unexpected days at Trento.
Starting with mixed feelings
Julia Smolla Inco trento volunteer
Julia, a german volunteer, shares her feeling on this new experience, which was a huge change for her.
juliette l'her trento inco volunteer
Juliette is a young french volunteer that just arrived to Trento to start her experience as a volunteer and is facing her feelings towards the changes she has recently faced.
My first days as a volunteer
reme torrico trento inco volunteer
The first days of a spanish volunteer in the city of Trento. Travelling from Spain to Trento, discovering the city, the language, the fauna and more. I’ve been in Trento for 5 days already and although it may not seem like much, time goes so...
Hola! Mi nombre es Israel Pulido
Mexico InCo volontariato
“Hola! Mi nombre es Israel Pulido, soy un mexicano que recientemente ha llehago a Trento, Italia para participar durante 1 año en un programa de Voluntariado Internacional con Inco. Llegar aqui y ver todo tan diferente a mi ciudad de origen me ha hecho apreciar...
EVS for six months - impressions for a lifetime!
EVS Italy Erasmus+ InCo
Hello everybody, my name is Sarah, I’m from Germany and I finished my European Voluntary Service in Trento about one month ago. I can't imagine that already more than half a year passed by since I have left my home town for my journey to Italy!