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Diving into a new country
Ciao, mi chiamo Lukas.
I‘m 18 years old and I come from the south of Germany.
Since September I live in Bolzano, a beautiful town in the north of Italy. Here I‘m doing my volunteering service in a house for elderly people.
Testimonianza CES Arianna Prudel - Pamplona, Spagna
¡Hola! I am Arianna, 23, from Caldonazzo, a small village near Trento. I am currently
writing from Pamplona, Spain, where I am living for a year as part of my volunteerproject with the European Solidarity Corps.
4 Months in Bolzano
Ciao!My name is Ilke. I’m 27 years old and I come from Istanbul, Turkey. I had started learning Italian and chose to come here to improve. I do volunteering at Casa di Riposo Don Bosco, a care home for the elderly.