Don’t hesitate and take the opportunity to volunteer with Inco Molfetta! Blog dei volontari
Ciaoooo, mi chiamo Lise! I’m 24 years old and I’m from Belgium. I arrived in Italy in May to do an European Solidarity Corps volunteer for five months in Trullo Beach.

I had the opportunity to do a 5-month volunteer project with the Inco Molfetta association and it was the best decision of my life! After finishing my studies, I wanted some time to think about what I really wanted to do and discover new things so why not go and volunteer!
My project consisted in carrying out activities with children during the summer while being by the sea. Believe me, spending a summer in Italy is incredible!
The Inco Molfetta association is full of caring and welcoming people and I really enjoyed working with them. This experience has enabled me to grow positively, to meet incredible people, to learn a new language (Italian) and also to improve my English. I learned a lot about myself and about different European cultures. Because yes, I lived in a shared apartment with 11 people from different nationalities for 5 months.. It can be scary when it's your first time living in a shared apartment but with a few rules and good manners, everything goes well, don't worry! :D
In brief, don't hesitate any longer and take your chance by applying for a volunteer! You won't regret it!
And if you have any more specific questions or doubts, here's my insta: lise_frs