"I am very happy that I chose the option of volunteering abroad" - Sofia volunteering in Italy Blog
Hello everybody! My name is Sofia. I am 22 years old and I am from Spain. Currently, I am living in Bolzano, Northern Italy, where I am carrying out my project as a member of the European Solidarity Corps.

I am participating in VKE, which is involved in organizing a wide range of projects related to children. These include casa gioco, where children come to play with their families after school; spielbus, a van that transports different games to parks, schools, and small villages; mini Bolzano, a city dedicated to kids that offers them the opportunity to learn how to cook, go to the bank, etc.; and the ice-skating rink, which is open in winter.
I am very happy that I chose the option of volunteering abroad. It has given me the opportunity not only to get to know many new places, different cultures, and amazing people, but also to reflect and get to know myself better.
ESC is a great opportunity for young people who want to experience living in another country. It offers low expenses, as they provide a place to live and money for food. It also connects you with people who are having the same experience as you. I highly recommend it!